Articles | Blackline Support

Introducing the new Beacons list page

Written by Blackline Safety | January 28, 2021

Updated February 25, 2021


As part of a larger project to revamp some of the older pages on Blackline Live, we are very happy to announce that a new Beacons list page will soon be available to our customers. If you are familiar with our other list pages on Blackline Live, you will already know what to look forward to: aside from the stylish and modern look, this update will allow for customizable pagination as well as search and sort capabilities. This page was released February 25, 2021 


The new Beacons list page not only displays the beacon name and ID number, but also lists information such as the street address, coordinates and layer number it was placed at. This means you can easily search and sort to find beacons placed at the same site or on the same floor of a building.


The Beacon details page where you can place a beacon and set its location information will remain the same as it was before. When you click a beacon’s name or ID in the list, you will be redirected to the current beacon details page. The layout and function of this page has not changed.



Future page updates

The beacons list page is part of a larger ongoing project to update older pages in Blackline Live. Coming up next you will see a new floorplans list page, and then an update to the beacon’s and floorplan’s details pages. Keep an eye out for more information about these updates in the future!


If you have questions about the new beacons page, please contact our Customer Care team.