Blackline Notifications and Updates

Blackline Live Voice Call Update

Written by RC | May 28, 2024

We have updated Blackline Live to improve calling from the application to devices that have generated an alert.

Blackline Live now uses two different calling methods to reach devices. If the first calling method fails, Blackline Live will automatically switch over to the second method. When the call switches over to the second calling method, it may take a little longer than normal to connect to the device.

Blackline Live will also log the switch in the Notes section of the Alert Management page with a note indicating “Voice call connecting…” to inform you that the call is still connecting to the device. This scenario should happen rarely, affecting less than 2% of voice calls. If it does happen, the note will also display in the Notes section of the Alert History page after the alert has been resolved.

If you have any questions about this change, please reach out to our Technical Support team.


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