G7 and EXO Gas Sensor Bump Testing and Calibration Order
June 16, 2022
Updated: September 5, 2024
This article describes the order that you should bump test or calibrate your G7 and EXO gas sensors. This article can be referenced when manually bump testing or calibrating your G7 or EXO and when bump testing or calibrating your G7 using G7 Dock.
Determining G7 and EXO gas sensor bump testing and calibration order
When bump testing and calibrating G7 and EXO, to avoid sensor cross-sensitivity, you must consider the order you test your gas sensors in. The gas order you select depends on the gas sensors your device is equipped with, and whether you are using single gas or combination gas cylinders.
Blackline Safety recommends that you use the following flow charts to determine the order that you are going to bump test or calibrate your gas sensors in.
IMPORTANT: The recommended order is the same whether you are manually bump testing and calibrating your G7 or using G7 Dock.
NOTE: G7 Dock will bump test and calibrate your device in the same order as the gas inlets, starting at inlet 1 and finishing at inlet 4. If your G7 Dock is configured such that your bump test or calibration sequence is different than the flow charts below, your G7 Dock gas inlets should be reconfigured to match the sequence outlined in the gas order flow charts.
Using the gas order flow charts
To bump test or calibrate your gas sensors using the gas order flow charts:
- Identify the gases you need to bump test or calibrate.
- Verify which gas order flow chart (single gas cylinder or combination gas cylinder) you should reference.
- Determine the order you need to test your gases in by comparing the gas sensors you are testing to the order outlined in the appropriate gas order flow chart.
NOTE: G7 Dock will bump test and calibrate your device in the same order as the gas inlets, starting at inlet 1 and finishing at inlet 4. - Bump test or calibrate each gas in the order outlined by the flow chart.
IMPORTANT: Always bump test or calibrate your device using calibration gas concentrations appropriate for your G7 device configuration. For more information on configuring calibration gas concentrations, refer to the Blackline Live support pages.
Always follow the prompts on your G7 to ensure that the procedure test times and flow rates are appropriate to the gas you are testing.
Always follow Blackline’s recommendations for configuring your G7 Dock gas inlets. For example, in the case where Cl2 and NH3 sensors are on the same cartridge, connect the Cl2 gas cylinder to inlet 1, and connect NH3 to inlet 2. For more information, refer to the G7 Dock Technical User Manual.
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