Blackline Live

    Blackline Live Overview

    Blackline Live Overview

    The Blackline Live portal is at the core of all G7 solutions, equipping businesses with leading safety monitoring tools, dashboard and comprehensive configuration management of fielded devices. Monitoring portal user accounts deliver everything needed to manage an emergency situation effectively — the safety status of every team member is visible, complete with custom emergency response protocols. Employee worn devices are easily configured for specific working environments, with G7 features such as gas detection limits and lone worker check-in intervals easily customized with a few clicks. G7 wirelessly communicates compliance and usage data for automatic reporting from Blackline Live, alleviating the need for manual data collection. Available on desktop and mobile, Blackline Live provides all the tools necessary to manage a world-class safety monitoring program.


    Training Documents

    Blackline Live Onboarding Presentation R1 - EN


    What is the difference between live view and history view?
    Why can't I see my bridge on the map?
    What is the difference between locate once and continuous locate?
    Why shouldn't I monitor alerts from a mobile device?
    How do I change my password?
    What is the purpose of the team members page?
    What is the difference between a contact and account user?
    How do I change the configuration of my devices?
    What is a relationship?



    Signing Up
    Adding Contacts to Groups
    Setting Up Device Configuration Profiles - Bridge
    Setting Up Device Configuration Profiles - Loner Mobile/Loner Duo
    Setting Up Device Configuration Profiles - M6/M6i
    Setting Up Alert Profiles
    Using the Maps Page
    Managing Alerts
    Placing Location Beacons



    Blackline Live Technical User Manual Cover
    Maintaining BL Live Cover image
    G7 Data Device Management
    Quick Assign Guide
    Service Brochure
    Configuration Modes Booklet
    Blackline Live Product Overview