Using Loner Mobile with your smartwatch
September 24, 2019
Loner Mobile versions or newer leverage smart watch compatibility. You can now use your Apple Watch or Android Wear to perform key actions of the Loner Mobile app. The features available, and how to use them, are outlined in this article.
How do i download loner mobile on my watch?
To use Loner Mobile on your smartwatch, you will first need to download Loner Mobile to your phone. Then, depending on if you are running an iOS or Android device and your settings, your app may download automatically or you may need to manually initiate a download.
For step-by-step instructions on downloading Loner Mobile to your Android wear, please see these instructions. For instructions for Apple Watch, please see these instructions.
SOS/Silent SOS
From the main screen of the smart watch app, you can send an SOS or Silent SOS alert. To do so, click the corresponding icon. After a three second countdown (to mitigate false alerts), monitoring personnel will be notified you need help.
Checking in

Your smart watch can be used to check in when the timer is up, or to perform an early check-in.
To perform an early check-in, select the timer from the main screen of the Loner Mobile app on your smart watch. Here you can check in with or without a note for context.
Pending alarms
In the case that Loner Mobile detects no motion or a fall or your check in timer reaches zero, the pending alarm will also come through to your smart watch. Here you can acknowledge and stand down the alert, or if you need help, let it escalate to red alert to notify monitoring personnel.
Through the use of "complications" (the different widgets available on your watch's home screen), Loner Mobile is now more accessible with a quick glance of your main watch face.
These complications are a live view of the state of your app, and allow you to quickly open Loner Mobile with a tap to send an alert or check in.
For information on how to customize your watch face to include Loner Mobile, these instructions are available for Apple or Android.
Questions about Loner Mobile, smartwatch or compatibility? Contact our Customer Care team.