Upgraded Blackline Live Page Components
September 9, 2024
On September 11, we’re upgrading our Blackline Live pages to make the page components easier to see and interact with. The page components that will be updated include:
- Text fields and drop-downs
- Toggles
- Tabs
- Search bars
These changes are visual only. All functionality remains the same, and Blackline Live will continue to operate as it did previously.
Here are a few side-by-side comparisons of the more noticeable differences that you may see in Blackline Live.
Text fields and dropdowns will now have a filled background colour to help visually separate them from the background. This will help you distinguish where fields are in larger forms such as the Team Member Profiles.
When disabled, the text fields will still keep their white background to clearly distinguish whether the field can be edited.
Drop-downs are also slightly different. Instead of having the menu appear on top of the currently selected option, drop-downs will now have the menu appear directly below the field. This allows you to more easily see what is already selected.
To assist with visibility and accessibility, we have added icons to the toggle switches to indicate when they are on or off. In Configuration Profiles, toggles will still show “ON” and “OFF” statuses when they are in view-only mode.
We have made changes to better highlight which tab is active.
The search bar in the Navigation menu has also been updated. We made the search button more prominent to make it clear that you can search for any device, team member, alert profile, group, or configuration profile in your organization.
If you have any questions about the new page components, please contact our Technical Support team.
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